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Online Priestess Healer Training 2024

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What's Included?

How Long is the Training? 

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Become a Sanctuary Priestess Healer

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Once you have graduated you will:

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What is the Way of the Priestess Healer?

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The Course Will Explore

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About Angie Twydall 

Angie Twydall is a Therapist, Healer, Yoga Teacher, Doula, Bee Keeper and Priestess with over 20 years of healing experience. She blends together the combination of practical and grounded experiences in the working world, together with a magical, liminal life of living in the wilds of Exmoor, England.


Angie is a sensitive intuitive, soul healer and workshop facilitator, helping others to release deeply held emotions and wounding. She is trained in many different healing lineages; Grail Mystery School, Celtic Priestess of Rhiannon, Dragon lineages. Her healing work is supported by teachings from NFSH, Reiki, Shamanic, sexual and emotional healing, the Path of Love & Sacred Union. 

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