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 Retraites résidentielles au Royaume-Uni 2022

 13 Moon journey
October 2024 for a year and a day to October 2025

Notre résidentiel  retraites


nous effectuons des immersions profondes dans la facilitation de la voie lumineuse pour l'éveil de l'utérus et du hara

convient aux thérapeutes, professeurs de yoga, guérisseurs et détenteurs de cercles

Nous savons à quel point tout le monde a hâte de se réunir pour une retraite de formation résidentielle!

Nous publierons les dates très prochainement. Inscrivez-vous à notre newsletter pour être sûr d'être notifié, ou envoyez un message en chat ou email pour être ajouté à la liste d'attente.

Partir en retraite de formation Sanctuary est un moment pour s'éloigner des exigences quotidiennes de votre temps et de votre présence, un moment pour plonger profondément dans l'éveil de l'utérus et la manière lumineuse de faciliter.  

Nous voulons que vous réapparaissez pour continuer avec une nouvelle légèreté et une nouvelle énergie pour la vie. Avec de nouveaux outils, processus et matériel à partager avec vos propres groupes et cercles.


What's Included?

Private membership to your online shamanic Way of the Womb® Apprenticeship Circle. 

Live monthly Zoom calls & meditations with Angie Twydall, your Womb Witch, every Womb Spiral. 

Ancient body prayers and practices helping rebalance your womb resonance and aura. 

Guest speaker georgie caitlin, yoni oracle deck
joins us  

Guided audio-shamanic journeys and energy transmissions from the ancient womb lineages 

Luminary Leadership Training & Initiation
as a Womb Witch/Priestess 

sacred sounds of the womb

pdf's , videos, & audio materials available via website for 13 moons to support your learning. 

Lynne sedgemore, teacher of luminary leadership training joins us in august


How Long is the Apprenticship? 

We journey together over 13 moons with the ancient lineages of Priestesses, Druidesses, Shamanka, Medicine Woman and Witches. 

You are supported through a private, held online Shamanic Womb Circle through a designated, membership only portal on our website. Private, held, sacred space. 


Our journey together is a deep dive to “know thyself...and forgive” as etched above the Temples of the Goddess in Ancient Greece. Each spiral works on a personal and collective level. We work together to heal one womb at a time. 

We suggest you set aside the minimum of an hour a week for reading, devotional practices, meditations and shamanic journeying to our pre-recorded audios. You access all the material through the website, yours to access for the duration of 13 moon apprenticeship. You will need access to the internet and zoom for Angie’s live sessions. 


What is the Shamanic way of the womb?

The original Womb & Hara Awakening Apprenticeship was birthed in 2011 by Azra and Seren Bertrand from The Fountain of Life. They co-wrote the highly recommended, Womb Awakening book. Angie and her husband Rod both assisted online and in-person on the Fountain of Life Teacher Training retreats.


In 2017 Seren and Azra Bertrand passed on the wisdom keys of womb awakening to several teachers worldwide. We gratefully accepted.

since then we have been teaching together with the Womb Medicine Wheel and the Path of Love.


We are now the only sacred union couple, that we know of, who 

integrate the womb and hara teachings  together.

we welcome everyone to our courses.

Rod assists on the in-person retreats and helps oversee the container of the Sanctuary.


Angie runs and facilitates both the in-person Shamanic way of the womb

facilitator training retreats and online apprenticeship training.

 weaving throughout is angie's extensive shamanic Priestess skills and teachings.

Angie has her own additional Priestess training – the Priestess Healer & the Sacred Bee Priestess.


The Shamanic Way of the womb® is a life’s work, a lived experience, combined with a soul doulas mission to take womb work out to more women.

The healing begins with one womb at a you hear the call?

The Apprenticeship
will explore:

Prendre du temps et s'éloigner de votre routine habituelle est vital, surtout maintenant que nous devons tous nous adapter à des modes de vie et de travail différents.

Venir en formation résidentielle vous offre une expérience profondément immersive!

Angie profile pic softlove.jpg

About Angie Twydall 

Angie Twydall is a Therapist, Healer, Yoga Teacher, Doula, Bee Keeper and Priestess with over 20 years of healing experience. She blends together the combination of practical and grounded experiences in the working world, together with a magical, liminal life of living in the wilds of Exmoor, England.

Angie is a sensitive intuitive, soul healer and workshop facilitator, helping others to release deeply held emotions and wounding. She is trained in many different healing lineages; Grail Mystery School, Celtic Priestess of Rhiannon, Dragon lineages. Her healing work is supported by teachings from NFSH, Reiki, Shamanic, sexual and emotional healing, the Path of Love & Sacred Union. 

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next apprenticeship intake starting
October 2025
for a year and a day
13 moons

Applications now open to join the apprenticeship


Enregistrez votre intérêt  Appelez Angie au 01598 753525, envoyez-moi un e-mail ou envoyez-moi un message depuis le site Web.

Nous mettrons à jour les informations sur la retraite de formation une fois le lieu confirmé.

email link

More from
Sanctuary of Sophia



The Sanctuary of Sophia threads cooperation and mutual support with the Temple of Avalon, Glastonbury, UK.

 This 13 Moon online training is recognised as an Interconnected Temple Teaching

Become a Sanctuary of Sophia Facilitator:

To Become a Shamanic Way of Womb® Facilitator we recommend that you complete the following trainings:


  • Shamanic Way of the Womb® 13 Moon Online Apprenticeship.

  • Shamanic Way of the Womb® 7-Day Facilitator Training Intensive In-Person Retreat in Glastonbury, UK.

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Once you have graduated as a facilitator you will:

  • Receive a Certificate from the Sanctuary of Sophia

  • Be eligible to join IPHM and get insurance for your Shamanic events and work 1:1 with client sessions as a Womb Healing Practitioner.

  • Be eligible to Facilitate Shamanic Way of the Womb workshops

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